Experienced and professional animal trainer provide their insights in answering this question :
A. You should not use human meds without consultation with specialist. It should be confirmed that your pet has scabies infestation. For treatment of this condition spot on drugs for animals are used to limit risk of licking the drug.

How to Identify Common Pet Problems ?

Our sources include academic articles, blog posts, and personal essays from experienced pet care professionals :

Martins Permethrin 10% may be used to treat dogs over 12 weeks of age for fleas, ticks, mange, and lice (do NOT apply permethrin products on cats).
NexGard® and NexGard SPECTRA® provide effective demodectic mange treatment, sarcoptic mange treatment and ear mite treatment for dogs. Two consecutive monthly treatments of NexGard or NexGard SPECTRA are recommended for sarcoptic mange.
Treatment of Scabies in Dogs

Treatments include topicals, medicated baths and dips, injections, oral liquid, pills, or flavored chews. Depending on how severe the symptoms are, some dogs will need a combination of treatments to effectively eliminate scabies.

Dogs with sarcoptic mange are treated with anti-parasite medications. Your veterinarian may recommend a topical therapy, like weekly lime sulfur dips (only rarely recommended), selamectin (Revolution), and fipronal (Frontline).
Do not use on puppies under twelve weeks. Consult a veterinarian before using this product on debilitated, medicated, aged, pregnant or nursing animals. Do not use on cats or kittens.
Permethrin is the drug of choice for the treatment of scabies. Two (or more) applications, each about a week apart, may be necessary to eliminate all mites. Children aged 2 months or older can be treated with permethrin.
If you are unable to obtain a mange medication or shampoo from your vet, you may want to consider purchasing an over-the-counter mange treatment for your pet. Most such products contain ingredients like coal tar or sulfur, which often help to kill the mites living on your dog`s skin and resolve the problem.
Most cases of demodectic mange that are localized to a small region of the body will spontaneously resolve in 1-2 months with no treatment. Other cases of localized infections can be treated with topical medication such as moxidectin and imidacloprid.
The good news is, most mite infestations can be treated with a simple anti-parasitic wash. Anti-parasitic shampoos can help cure your dog of many kinds of mite. You can buy them from many pet shops, although it`s best to ask your vet first to make sure you`re using the correct shampoo.
Leaving the cream on for too long can result in skin irritation, itching, and redness. To prevent this, wash the cream off after the recommended amount of time.
Disinfecting the area, gating and equipment with a bleach and water solution and allowing for time to completely dry will help eliminate mange mites that may be in the environment.
Permethrin can be applied to your dog to help kill fleas and mosquitos for 35 days and ticks for six weeks. Not only does Permethrin work on these insects but it also prevents chiggers, mites, and over 55 other kinds of insects from bothering your dog.
Permethrin is used in some flea spot-on products made for dogs, and occasionally (in lower doses) in flea powders and collars for cats. Unfortunately, exposure to concentrated permethrin (as in some dog spot-ons) can result in serious illness and even death in cats.
You should not use this medicine if you are allergic to permethrin or to chrysanthemums. Ask a doctor or pharmacist if it is safe for you to use this medicine if you have other medical conditions. Permethrin topical is not expected to be harmful to an unborn baby. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant.
Treatment of Scabies in Dogs

Then the crusty skin should be gently treated with a medicated shampoo. The next step is to apply an anti-mite product such as lime sulfur. Because the mites can be difficult to eradicate, several weekly applications may be needed.

The approved treatments for mange (demodex) are sulfurated lime or amitraz, but when they are not effective, veterinarians may recommend using high doses of the prescription medications, such as Heartgard Plus Chewables (ivermectin).
An apple cider vinegar bath can help get rid of the mange mites. Mix ½ cup of apple cider vinegar with ½ cup of Borax and warm water. Be sure the Borax is fully dissolved before sponging the mixture on your dog`s skin and coat. Also make sure your dog does not lick the mixture, as ingesting Borax can be harmful.
Is it contagious? Yes. Sarcoptic mange is highly contagious to other dogs and humans. Since the mite may be found in areas where infected dogs or foxes frequent, keep your dog away from these areas to help prevent infection.
Mange is a skin disease caused by mites found at the hair follicles. It is caused by two different types of mites and can be contagious and zoonotic (transmitted from animals to humans). The two types of mange include sarcoptic mange and demodectic mange.
Olive oil is efficient in treating localized cases of mange mites. A thin layer of olive oil on the dog`s skin is enough. However, the treatment becomes ineffective when you move from mild cases to highly contagious and life-threatening situations.
Another huge benefit to external use of coconut oil is that it may fight off new parasites like ticks, fleas, and mange mites. Evidence also shows that coconut oil can get rid of existing pests and help heal wounds caused by pest bites.
Look out for itching, hair loss, and swollen feet on your pup, as these are classic symptoms of mange. Search for signs of mange on yourself and other members of your household as well—typically, they present as red bumps.
Check for Visual Signs

Once treatment is finished, your dog still might have bold spots, but you should see some hair starting to grow back. As the mites and any secondary skin infections die down, the itching also will subside.

An apple cider vinegar bath can help get rid of the mange mites. Mix ½ cup of apple cider vinegar with ½ cup of Borax and warm water. Be sure the Borax is fully dissolved before sponging the mixture on your dog`s skin and coat.

Relevant Questions and Answers :

the most relevant questions and answers related to your specific issue

Q. How do I get my dog to stop chewing on things? I kennel her when I leave for a few hours, but I can’t go to the mailbox without her eating something.
ANSWER : A. If she’s young, then this is just normal puppy behavior. Don’t worry about it. The thing about puppies is, they explore using their mouths. If your puppy grabs a coat hanger, or a slipper, you should roll up a newspaper, and smack yourself on the head with it for leaving those things out.. your puppy is going to explore things, that’s normal! It is 100% up to YOU to keep those things away from your puppy when your puppy is unsupervised… even for just a moment.

Remember to never scold your puppy for grabbing these things. They are just curious little cuties, and they don’t chew things up to bother us.. Dogs do not have intentional thought, so they aren’t ever doing anything ON PURPOSE to us.. The most important thing you can do when your puppy is chewing something you don’t want her to be chewing is TRADE her the inappropriate item with a toy of hers, so she understands “no honey, that isn’t what puppies chew on… THIS is what puppies chew on!” and then begin playing with her using her toy to show her that TOYS ARE FUN.. Way more fun than a boring ol’ coat hanger.

Another helpful thing you can do is have two bags of toys. In each bag is many different kinds of toys. Lots of chew toys, lots of soft squeaky toys, lots of rope-type toys, a bunch of balls.. All kinds of things! For one week you have bag#1’s toys out for your puppy to play with.. At the end of the one week, you collect those toys, and you bring out bag#2! The toys will be more interesting/feel like new to your puppy, which will in-turn, make her chew less inappropriate things. Her toys are too fun to care about that dumb Wii-mote that you left laying around.

Hope this helps!

Q. My puppy is urinating a lot. And the lady I gave one of the puppies to said she thinks her puppy has diabetes could my puppy have it to
ANSWER : A. It is not likely that either one of these puppies has diabetes. It is very uncommon for a puppy that young to have diabetes. If your puppy is straining to urinate or is urinating very small amounts frequently and cannot seem to wait for very long between urination, he may have a urinary tract infection. It is quite possible that your puppy is completely normal. I would suggest an exam with your veterinarian and discuss the behavior with them. They may suggest a urinalysis. Your puppy should be going to the vet at 3 week intervals for vaccinations at this age, so you can discuss it when he has his next set of vaccines. The other person with the other puppy should also be taking hers to a vet for proper immunizations and she should also discuss her concerns with her vet.

Q. I have 2 puppies that I think may have parvo, the little one is throwing up thick bubbly puke and watery stool. Can the vaccinated mom still get sick?
ANSWER : A. If you suspect one or both of your puppies have parvo, it is best to bring them into a vet for care. Parvo is a very serious and contagious disease and it can kill puppies without proper treatment.

As Parvo IS very contagious, it is best to keep the sick puppy isolated from any other dogs in the house. While your adult dog is less likely to get ill due to vaccination, no vaccine is 100%. Your other puppies if not vaccinated are also very likely to get ill. Be sure to thoroughly clean any surfaces your sick dog comes into contact with as Parvo can live in the environment for up to several months if not properly cleaned.

If your puppy is very ill, your vet can run a fecal test to look for Parvo. Parvo symptoms usually include vomiting and diarrhea that often is blood-tinged. Parvo can cause dogs to become very dehydrated and unable to keep food, liquids or medications down and usually require hospitalization and IV fluids to provide medications and nutrition while they are ill.

Q. My dog doesn’t eat, what should I do?
ANSWER : A. If this is a puppy, see a veterinarian immediately. Puppies should want to eat. Common causes for anorexia in puppies include viruses (parvo is a big one), parasitism, and foreign bodies. They need immediate care – go to an emergency vet if yours isn’t open. Puppies can get low blood sugar and dehydration very quickly.

If this is an adult dog and you observe other concerning signs, such as diarrhea or decreased energy, you should see a veterinarian.

If the dog seems otherwise bright and stable, try offering different types of food: wet food, canned tripe, or cooked chicken and rice. Some dogs will go for canned baby food: chicken, turkey, or beef as the main ingredient. Make sure there are no garlic or onions in the ingredients!

Causes of anorexia in adult dogs can range from less serious to severe. Younger dogs are more likely to get into trouble- they tend to eat things they shouldn’t, and can get foreign bodies from eating things like socks, or stomach upset from getting in the trash. Any dog may stop eating due to stress, or just being a picky eater. Middle aged dogs can stop eating when they’re stressed and also have Addison’s disease, which can be fatal. Older dogs tend to stop eating when they develop cancer or renal disease.

There is no one-size-fits-all recipe to know when the right time is to take your dog to the vet. The moral of this story is, if it’s not getting better, your pup feels bad, or you’re worried – go see the vet!

Read Full Q/A … : My Dog Won’t Eat

Q. From whom should I get my puppy? The local shelter, my neighbor, a breeder, or a pet supply store?
ANSWER : A. Many people believe that it is better to get a puppy from a reliable breeder. While there are benefits to this, there are benefits to some of the other available options as well. A reliable breeder will introduce you to the puppy’s mother and will allow you to see the environment in which the mother and her puppies live. Often, breeders will also supply background genetic and familial information, so you will know what to expect for your puppy’s future health and temperament. The same can be true for a well-known neighbor with whom you are friendly and familiar with his or her dog.

Alternatively, you can find a puppy in need of a warm and stable home at your local shelter. Here, the benefit is in knowing that you are supporting a worthy service, as you save the life of a dog that would not have had a chance without you.

Q. What solid food should I start 4 week old Pit Bull puppies on?
ANSWER : A. A puppy food designed for large breed puppies can help with rapidly growing bones and joints and can be given in a wet form easily to puppies learning to eat solids. You can also provide a dry kibble for them to try and should moisten it with water or some formula to make it easier for the puppies to eat and digest. As the puppies grow and their teeth come in, they will begin to eat and explore more of the solid food on their own.

Mom should also be on a Puppy formula while nursing her puppies as it will provide extra nutrients to both her and babies while they are in a very rapid stage of growth!

Q. How long should I feed puppy food to my puppy?
ANSWER : A. A puppy should be given puppy food from around the time that the mother begins weaning her pups until the puppy reaches about the age of one year. This is generally true for all dogs, unless your veterinarian has concerns about your puppy’s growth. Under those circumstances, your veterinarian will make alternate recommendations for your puppy’s diet. Otherwise, around one year, you may begin giving your puppy an adult formula dog food at meal times.

Read Full Q/A … : What should you feed a puppy?

Q. Is it alright to put premithean cream on my puppy to get rid of mange?
ANSWER : A. You should not use human meds without consultation with specialist. It should be confirmed that your pet has scabies infestation. For treatment of this condition spot on drugs for animals are used to limit risk of licking the drug.