per se.

Experienced and professional animal trainer provide their insights in answering this question :
A. Unfortunately, I believe your pet may have injured his or her paw pads from jumping down from the stove or refrigerator. This is just a theory based off of the history you provided. I would highly recommend limiting activity. With swelling it is best to limit activity and monitor the progression of the pads as to not further aggravate the injury. Crate rest and leash walks are best. Monitor for at least 24 hours, if no improvement seek veterinary attention. If the paws feel cold to the touch I would highly recommend immediate medical attention as there may be a lack of blood flow to the area.

How to Identify Common Pet Problems ?

Our sources include academic articles, blog posts, and personal essays from experienced pet care professionals :

Most swelling of canine paw pads comes from an insect bite or sting. If your dog steps on a biting or stinging insect, that insect will likely respond aggressively. Even if the bite or sting does not come from a venomous insect, it may still cause some swelling and aggravation for a few days.
Abrasions are the most frequent type of paw pad injury. Bruises, cuts and puncture wounds also are possible, and the webbed skin between the pads is vulnerable to puncture wounds. Take time to check your dog over for paw pad injuries, particularly if you notice a change in his movement or limping.
Pododermatitis is defined as inflammation of the skin of the paw. Affected tissues may include interdigital spaces, footpads, nail folds (paronychia), and nails. Cases of canine pododermatitis are common in general practice. One or more feet may be affected.
The feet and paws are often red (inflamed) and swollen. There may be nodules (bumps) or fungal lesions (kerions), ulcers, or discharge (pus) from the lesions. There is often hair loss and the dog may lick the feet constantly.
Treatment of Inflammation of the Paws in Dogs

If the cause is related to any sort of substance, such as ice melt or cleaning solution, the feet should be thoroughly washed and cleaned and medications such as antibiotics or antifungals may be needed to help with any bacterial or fungal infections.

If the pads of all of the paws are swollen, it may be because the dog walked on a hot surface and caused the paws to burn. However, having swollen feet that don`t appear to be very painful can be a sign of something more serious, such as lupus.
Although dogs can feel with their pads, from walking around “barefoot” all the time, their paws become tough, thick, and callous so they are able to walk and run on a variety of surfaces without much pain or discomfort. They can also withstand different temperatures quite well.
When there is not enough oxygen being carried to the body by the red blood cells, the skin and mucous membranes (e.g., the gums) can turn a bluish color. This is known as cyanosis.
Swollen dog paws are often caused by stepping on sharp objects, getting paw, or toe in between a door, insect bites and constant chewing on foot. More cases may be paw bleeding, sloughing of paw pads and sturdy walking. Treatment can help, depending on the cause of the inflammation.
Paw pad hyperkeratosis refers to when thickened skin or extra skin grows on your dog`s paw. The skin`s appearance may vary, but it often resembles thick hair on your dog`s paw pads. Thus, it`s often called “hairy feet”. Hyperkeratosis occurs due to a protein inside your dog called keratin.
Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD or OD) is an inflammatory condition that occurs when the diseased cartilage separates from the underlying bone. It most commonly affects the shoulder joint but the elbow, hip, knee (stifle), or hock (tarsus) may also be affected.
Interdigital cysts are a series of inflamed and often infected tissue between your dog`s toes. They are commonly found on the front paws and can be a result of many different skin conditions. These can range from mites to ingrown hairs to allergies.
Perhaps the best natural remedy to soothe and efficiently clean your dog`s paws is to give them a footbath. There are plenty of recipes on the web but one of the simplest, safest and most popular ones is to simply dissolve 1 cup of Epsom salts per gallon of warm water.
Ten minutes in comfortably hot water (in a tub or basin) with Epsom salts dissolved within is typically an excellent short-term solution for swelling. If you can see an obvious lesion, the swelling does not quickly disappear, or the dog continues to favor the paw, call your vet for further advice.
Other over-the-counter medications safe to use on canine skin include Neosporin—an antibiotic ointment—and Benadryl cream, a topical pain reliever. “Hydrocortisone cream is usually more effective than Benadryl cream,” says Butzer. “But oral Benadryl can help with reducing inflammation in the affected area.”
The pads of dog feet have specialized skin that does not heal in the same way as normal skin and that may require veterinary evaluation and treatment for moderate to severe injuries and conditions.
Paw pads can take anywhere from 14 to 21 days to heal, but it depends on the wound and the reason for the bleeding. Deeper punctures will take longer to heal than cracked, dry paw pads and may require your dog to take it easy for a few days so as to not put too much pressure on the paw.
Licking might offer some protection against certain bacteria, but there are serious drawbacks to letting your dog lick wounds. Excessive licking can lead to irritation, paving the way for hot spots, infections, and potential self-mutilation. Licking and chewing can also slow healing by reopening wounds.
Dogs with sore pads may have swollen, red or painful looking paws. There may be lameness associated with the sore pads where the dog limps or may even hold up the affected paw/paws. Licking may occur in cases where there is chronic irritation or itch. If the pad has been cut or scraped you may see bleeding.
Symptoms of damaged paws include: Your pet limping. Your pet not wanting to walk. Excessive licking, biting, or chewing at the paw pads.
Why Are My Dog`s Paws Turning Brown? In most cases, the colour change in your dog`s paws is largely due to overlicking. This tends to happen when your dog`s saliva comes into contact too often with its fur coat.
When a pet is having immediate respiratory distress, an Oxygen Concentrator is best used with a Pet Oxygen Mask. To begin oxygen therapy, plug in the Oxygen Concentrator, to any standard wall outlet, and attach the clear oxygen tubing to the Pet Oxygen Mask and Concentrator.
Lupoid onychodystrophy, sometimes called lupoid onychitis, is a disease that affects the toenails or claws of dogs. The disease usually affects multiple claws on all four paws.

Arthritis is a very common inflammatory disorder in humans, but it can also occur in dogs. In fact, it could be the reason for your dog`s swollen paw, especially if it occurs in several or all of them. However, arthritis is distinguished from other conditions because the enlargement occurs at the joint level.

Relevant Questions and Answers :

the most relevant questions and answers related to your specific issue

Q. Two front foot pads are black, blue, swollen; soft to touch. Habit of jumping on stove to get to top of frig. No nail involvement, no wound per se.
ANSWER : A. Unfortunately, I believe your pet may have injured his or her paw pads from jumping down from the stove or refrigerator. This is just a theory based off of the history you provided. I would highly recommend limiting activity. With swelling it is best to limit activity and monitor the progression of the pads as to not further aggravate the injury. Crate rest and leash walks are best. Monitor for at least 24 hours, if no improvement seek veterinary attention. If the paws feel cold to the touch I would highly recommend immediate medical attention as there may be a lack of blood flow to the area.

Q. My dog has a split nail, what should I do?
ANSWER : A. Split or torn nails are very common in dogs, and treatment depends on the level of the tear. If the nail is split above the quik (blood supply to the nail) then it can be safely trimmed back and the torn part removed. You can find the quik in a dog’s nails by looking for a red or pink line in light colored nails, or a darker groove on the underside of dark colored nails.

If the tear is behind the quik or the nail is bleeding, stopping the bleeding with styptic powder or starches such as corn or rice starch can help. It is then best to bring your dog into your local vet to have the nail safely trimmed back. This may require anesthesia or sedation depending on the size of the tear to make the experience less painful for your dog. Your vet may also recommend antibiotics if the tear is large to prevent infection from taking hold until the nail can heal.

Once the torn part of the nail is removed, the nail should be able to begin growing back as normal. Regular nail trims to keep nails short and in shape can also help to prevent tears and splits in the future.

Q. Why does a dogs pads on his paws turn such a pink color?
ANSWER : A. I’m confused here. Are your dogs paw pads typically black, but they turn a reddish pink? You may want to see your veterinarian about this to make sure there isn’t anything wrong with his paw pads. I’ve met dogs who have extremely fragile paw pads due to some bad genetics.. they end up getting injured on their paws very easily. I’ve met dogs who are unable to even walk on cement without wearing little doggy booties. It could be that your dog is dealing with some serious discomfort, and you want to get that checked out immediately.

If your dogs paw pads just seem a little bit irritated, you may want to try something like “Musher’s Secret” on them. This is an ointment that you rub on your dogs paw pads to keep them healthy, and smooth. I use this in the winter when there is rock salt all over the ground.. it keeps her paw pads from getting irritated and tearing open. It’s like lotioning your skin to keep it from getting dry and cracked. If you think your dog is dealing with something that is a little more extreme than just some dry irritated paw pads, then see your vet immediately instead of purchasing the Musher’s Secret.

Read Full Q/A … : Discolored Pads in Dogs

Q. What is the best way to train your dog on a pee pad? He can go on the pee pad if I bring him to the pad if I don’t he makes an accident.
ANSWER : A. Train your dog using a positive reinforcement method. Since your dog will use the pad when you bring it to him, reward him immediately for urinating on the pad. First, teach your dog to associate the word “good” with a treat (or use a special device called a “clicker” in place of a verbal “good”). Then, say “good” or “click” when you dog urinates on the pee pad and reward him as soon as he finishes. Repeat this training over and over until your dog understands that peeing on the pad equals reward. Then, begin to move the pad away from your dog and bring him to the pad wherever it is. Again, reward when he goes on the pad. It is all about making it “fun” to pee on the pad (reward) and not fun to pee anywhere else (no reward). To learn more about “clicker training” and/or positive reinforcement training, I recommend purchasing a good book on training using positive reinforcement techniques. Or, I or another of the experts on this site, would be happy to consult with you to guide you through the steps and make this a positive experience for both you and your dog.

Q. I think my cat was bitten on his front foot by a vole. It is tender, he’s careful of it. I see no wound, possible slight swelling of pad. Take to vet?
ANSWER : A. A vole’s teeth a quite sharp but small. The puncture wounds would be very small and may even close over, so that you can’t see them. First, if your pet is not current on rabies, go to the veterinarian right away. A vole is a type of rodent, and rodents can carry rabies (although voles are not major carriers). Better safe than sorry. Otherwise, wash the affected foot with warm warm and monitor carefuily. If the foot becomes swollen, develops an odor, feels very warm to the touch, or you see oozing pus, head to the vet. Also, go to the vet if the cat continues to favor the foot more than a day or two.

Q. My cat one half yrs old his left front foot pad in middle two small pad is swollen hair and color of his pads is black but the two middle pad swoolen
ANSWER : A. It could be an infection or possibly something like a thorn stuck in it. I would recommend having it checked out by your vet when they open. If it seems very painful and unwilling to weight bear on it then have it looked at by your emergency vet.

Q. How do you prevent a cat from getting an abscess?My cat has one and had to get stitches and he chewed through a couple, has a open wound what do I do?
ANSWER : A. A cat should never get stitches on a wound unless it is terribly disfiguring. Wounds from bites and scratches harbor lots of bacteria, and so on closing it with sutures you simply close the bacteria inside. I suspect he is chewing at it because it is uncomfortable. The wound should be cleaned and then an antibiotic should be given – injectable or oral. The only way to prevent this is to keep your cat indoors. Cats outside will inevitably interact with other cats, and most wounds (in my experience) get infected and become abscesses without the help of an antibiotic.

ANSWER : A. Somewhere along the line she has learned that this gets her something she wants, attention, food, something, and now we have to teach her that behaving and being quiet gets her what she wants. Don’t reward her whining and bouncing by giving her attention. Instead, ignore her, going about your business until she quiets and settles down. THEN give her a treat, petting, and praise. She needs to learn that being the well-behaved dog is what will get her the attention she craves. Teaching her obedience will help her learn how to behave in various situations and to look to you for how to behave. And, above all, make sure your dog is getting sufficient physical and mental exercise every day. A tired dog is a good, happy dog and one who is less likely to bark and misbehave from boredom or frustration. Depending on breed, age, and health, your dog may require several long walks as well as a good game of chasing the ball and playing with some interactive toys. Kong toys filled with peanut butter are an excellent way to reward her for being quiet and keep her that way for a good while as she plays with her toy and gets the peanut butter out.