Experienced and professional animal trainer provide their insights in answering this question :
A. It sounds quite normal to me. If it happens every time and no other symptoms and it isn’t runny diarrhea then that may just be normal for him.

How to Identify Common Pet Problems ?

Our sources include academic articles, blog posts, and personal essays from experienced pet care professionals :

The number one reason why a dog`s poo is too soft is that they are being overfed. Soft poo is a very common sign of a dog who is getting too much food. Check their weight and ensure the amount your dog is actually having is suitable for their size and that it is weighed out accurately.
A bland diet for 24 to 48 hours may help to resolve your pup`s issue. Plain-cooked white rice with a little chicken and some canned plain pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling) may help to make your pup`s tummy feel better. Once your pooch feels better, gradually reintroduce their regular food.
A stool that starts off firm but is followed by soft or very loose second half of the bowel movement, can indicate a variety of causes including small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, maldigestion, malabsorption, food intolerances, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, dysbiosis (an imbalance in the types of gut bacteria) …
If the stool is soft, mushy, and hard to pick up, this is considered diarrhea. The colon is the organ that absorbs the water from the intestine, so if the stool is abnormally loose, the colon is not functioning properly. Some dogs want to “mark” with their excrement.
Many veterinarians recommend a white rice diet as part of treating diarrhea in dogs. Rice can help firm up your dog`s stool because it has less fiber than other grains and binds water in the bowel instead of drawing it out like oatmeal or whole-grain cereals.
In fact, many acute diarrhea cases will resolve on their own or with basic home care in one to two days. If your dog had one somewhat soft stool but is otherwise playful and eating normally, you can wait to see what the next bowel movement looks like before taking further action.
1) Overfeeding – Many owners are unaware that overfeeding can cause loose stools. This is due to an `overload` of the digestive system, meaning it is unable to absorb what it needs and instead expelling it. This is more common in young puppies with sensitive stomachs but can happen at any age.
Adult dogs should poop one to three times a day, though puppies poop more often (up to five times a day or more), and senior dogs may poop once a day. Your dog`s poop frequency is dependent on many factors, including how often they eat, how much they eat, their fiber intake, and your dog`s health.
pale colored, very foul-smelling, floating stool.
“Loose stools” can be natural for some people or signal diarrhea for others. Common causes include from foods – especially if something was spoiled or tainted. GI viruses, chronic conditions, food allergies and medication side-effects can also cause them.
The key to bulking up your stool (and preventing endless wiping) is fiber. If you want to prevent the never-ending wipe, you need more fiber in your diet.
Can Dogs Eat Chicken And Rice Every Day? It is not a good idea to keep your dog on a daily diet of chicken and rice for long. While this dish is extremely healthy for dogs, it does not contain all of the nutrients they need, which they get from other sources such as red meats and vegetables.
It can make the problem worse:

More often than not, I have pet parents report their pet didn`t improve on chicken and rice and is continuing to have diarrhea, which is where you would suspect a food sensitivity.

Diet and overfeeding are typical causes of soft poop whereas diarrhea can be triggered by a long list of things. Excess of water is definitely not the cause of either, so be sure to keep your dog hydrated, especially when it`s having the runs.
1. Change in Kibble. A sudden change in diet can upset your dog`s stomach and intestinal tract, leading to diarrhea.
Far and away the most common cause of diarrhoea in dogs is wheat gluten (most dry food, dog treats, bread, pasta, biscuits, etc). But there are a number of other causes too. If your dog is suffering recurring diarrhoea then it`s likely you`re making some simple mistakes diet-wise. The first he`s likely to be dry fed.
Any dog who has diarrhea or vomiting loses body fluids. In order to avoid dehydration, dogs who`ve recently suffered from diarrhea and/or vomiting may drink more than normal.
Look at your dog if their waist is extremely exaggerated instead of a gradual slope your dog might be underfed. If you can see or feel the ribs and they don`t seem to have any fat on them your dog is probably underfed. If your dog is losing patches of hair there may be an issue with the nutrition.
Pets that have chronic soft stool or chronic full-blown diarrhea should definitely be examined by a veterinarian, even if they are otherwise behaving normally. In these cases, there is likely an underlying problem that`s causing the diarrhea. This is especially true with older pets.
How Long After Eating Does a Dog Poop? Most dogs will poop about 30 minutes after eating, or immediately after waking up. These are both great times to plan walks or exercise for your dog.
According to vets, there is a clear answer to this particular question. They advise that you should wait at least two hours after your dog has eaten a meal before walking them. That`s because walking your dog straight after a meal can cause your dog to bloat, or even lead to gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV).
Sweet potato is a great source of fibre, which can help with both problems. Fibre bulks up the stool, helping it to move through the body at the right speed. A little sweet potato can be just the thing when your dog is constipated or having loose stools, but if the problem persists, it`s best to contact your vet.

Relevant Questions and Answers :

the most relevant questions and answers related to your specific issue

Q. Healthy German Shepherd has extremely loose stools once a day. I added 2 spoonfuls of pumpkin puree that hasn’t helped. No diet changes. Any advice?
ANSWER : A. Loose stools can be caused by a number of factors, and the first step is always to bring a stool sample to your local veterinarian to check for anything. Fecal exams can check for common bacteria and parasites in the stool that may cause chronic diarrhea.

Diet problems can also play a factor in loose stool as well as chronic illness. Dogs can be allergic to many different ingredients in the diet, however grains such as corn, wheat and soy products can be the most problematic. Adding a probiotic supplement can sometimes help such as a scoop of plain yogurt ever meal, or commercial product from your vet.

Illnesses and metabolic disorders may also cause chronic loose stools. German Shepherds are prone to a disease called Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency which is a problem with the pancreas (the same organ that dysfunctions in diabetes- however that is ENDOCRINE function in that case) producing enough digestive enzymes. This causes stools that may be loose, discolored grey or yellow and appear very fatty in color. Shepherds can also be prone to chronic small intestine infections that cause loose stool as well. Luckily, treatment for these conditions often just involves adding a daily digestive enzyme supplement to the food, or daily anti-biotic designed specifically for chronic bowel issues.

Read Full Q/A … : Veterinarians

Q. When my Labrador poops, his stool is well formed in the beginning, but is soft as he finishes. Is there anything wrong?
ANSWER : A. It sounds quite normal to me. If it happens every time and no other symptoms and it isn’t runny diarrhea then that may just be normal for him.

Read Full Q/A … : Your Dog

Q. My dog is house trained but has started pooping in the house, why is she doing that?
ANSWER : A. It could be the type of food you are feeding. If you are feeding a lower quality kibble, it will be packed with fillers. These fillers will cause your dog to poop more than is necessary, and it can cause your dog to poop indoors because of the excess poop. Finding a higher quality kibble like Taste of the Wild, Orijen, or a high quality food like Ziwipeak, or Honest Kitchen, will help with that issue.

Remember to NEVER scold for accident indoors. The more you scold, the more fearful your dog is of pooping in front of you, the less your dog will want to poop in front of you outdoors, the more he will poop indoors, the more you scold… it’s a vicious cycle.

Have you been cleaning messes with Nature Miracle? Pick up a bottle, and try cleaning with that instead of regular cleaner. It will eliminate the smells deep down (even to your dog), which will discourage him from potting in that spot again.

Maybe he needs to be taken outside more often, and maybe he needs to be kept outside longer each time. He should be allowed at least 10 minutes of roaming outside before he has to come back inside. Allow him 10 minutes every single time you bring him outside, just in case he has to poop. He needs every opportunity you can give him. Bring him outside every hour if he’s full grown, every 40 minutes if he’s an adolescent (6-10 months), and every 30 minutes if he’s a puppy (2-6 months). If you have a doggy door, you should still be bringing your dog outside yourself to encourage him to stay outside longer, and poop. When he does poop outside, you should praise him, and reward him with lots of treats!

Q. My 3 month puppy eats his own poop and is also biting what can I do to prevent this
ANSWER : A. When it comes to poop eating, you want to consider a few things. First off, what is his diet like? Maybe something is lacking in his diet that is causing him to want to eat his own poop. This is the most common reason why dogs eat THEIR OWN poop. Try a higher quality kibble like Taste of the Wild, Ziwipeak, Orijen.. and try feeding three meals per day, instead of the more common two meals per day. Remember to gradually switch his kibble. Add a little bit of the new kibble and reduce the old kibble very slowly.. little by little every couple of days until the bowl is mostly new kibble! You should also be cleaning up his poops IMMEDIATELY after he does them.. I mean like, you have a bag in your hand, and you are low enough to scoop it up RIGHT when he finished so he doesn’t have a chance to eat his poop.

When it comes to nipping there are a few things you can do. First, you should yelp as soon as the teeth touch your skin, stand up, cross your arms, and ignore the puppy until he is ignoring you. Once he is off doing his own thing, swoop down and calmly reward him by playing with him WITH A TOY so he doesn’t nip your hands. Whenever you pet him, or interact with him, you should always have a toy on-hand so you can give it to him. This toy should be a soft braided rope toy that YOU own. This means, your puppy is never allowed to have this toy on the floor, and your pup can never “win” tug games with this toy. This is YOUR toy that disappears when you’re finished playing, and reappears when you want to play. If you keep this up, in a weeks time, your puppy will be so excited to see that toy, that as soon as you bring it out, he stops nipping you because he wants to play with the toy. Another thing you can do is have two bags of toys. Bag#1 is full of chew toys/soft toys/squeaky toys/etc. After one week, Bag#1 disappears and out comes Bag#2. Bag#2 has the same types of toys as Bag#1, and it only stays out for one week. This keeps the toys feeling like new to your pup!

Q. My 9 month old Maltese-Shih eats his own feces. Is there anything i can give him to get him to stop?
ANSWER : A. Coprophagia (or eating stool) is very common in young dogs. Luckily, most dogs will outgrow this behavior as they age. There are several theories as to why dogs do this which range from mimicking the mother dog’s behavior of cleaning the den, nutrient deficiency, boredom or just plain enjoyment of it.

If your dog is eating his own, removing the feces as soon as he deposits them is best in preventing them from being eaten. Keeping your dog on a leash while he potties can also help to catch any stool before he finds it. If he is eating other stool as well, sweeping the area prior to letting him out to go potty can help you identify and remove any left-behind stool.

There is also a product called For-bid that is available to make stool distasteful to pets. This product is sprinkled over every meal for a period of a week. When your dog attempts to eat the stool formed from this product, it becomes distasteful and discourages him from doing so. Most dogs will stop after a week of use, but some may need a few reminders from time to time to completely stop the behavior.

Q. Bowel movement 6 times a day. Stool is soft light brown and white. Sometimes drops of water come out during bowel movement. He seems anxious
ANSWER : A. If your pet is experiencing frequent bowel movements, loose watery stools, or stools that have changed color it is best to contact your local vet. Stools that are watery can indicate many problems ranging from digestive upset, internal parasites or even illness. Color changes in stool can indicate problems such as issues with the pancreas or gallbladder as these two organs contribute enzymes that give stool its brown color. Be sure to bring in a sample (or multiple) of the stool to your vet as this can help them quickly examine it for issues as well as check for common illnesses or parasites.

Q. Noticed blood in my cats stool today. This is the only time, No other symptoms of being sick. Should I monitor for a day or at least next stool?
ANSWER : A. If your cat is otherwise well (eating, drinking, not lethargic and pursuing its normal activities) then I’d say yes, you can closely monitor this by watching the stool in the litter box. If there’s fresh blood on the outside of normal stool I’d be worried about anal gland issues, or perhaps a lesion or mass inside the rectum. If the stool is soft with blood, I’d be worried about other things, such as a bacterial or viral (or even parasitic) infection, inflammatory bowel disease, or possibly (but hopefully not) cancer in the GI tract.

Q. My new cat seems to constantly have loose stools. I have tried to limit what he eats but with 2 other cats it’s difficult. He also ate a plant I had
ANSWER : A. Many plants can be poisonous to cats, so if you know the type of plant eaten it is best to look up if it is safe for your cat to do so. If you suspect the plant is toxic, it is best to contact your local vet for care.

Loose stools in cats can be caused by a number of things ranging from chronic stress, internal parasites, food allergies, to digestive upset and internal illness. You can try some home remedies such as adding pureed pumpkin or plain yogurt to meals which may help bulk up the stool some and is safe for your other healthy cats to ingest.

However if the loose stools continue, bringing in your cat as well as a sample of his stool to your vet is best. They can check for any internal parasites which may be causing the issue, as well as look for any underlying conditions causing it. If a food allergy is the cause, changing the food should be fine for your other cats if they are healthy.