Experienced and professional animal trainer provide their insights in answering this question :
A. On average dogs should consume about 70 – 100 milliliters of water per kilogram of body weight per day. Measure your dog’s water consumption over a 24 hour period to see if he’s consuming appropriate amounts. You can add canned food to his diet – it’s high in water content, about 70%. Also adding a very small amount of low sodium chicken broth to his water bowl might encourage him to drink more.

How to Identify Common Pet Problems ?

Our sources include academic articles, blog posts, and personal essays from experienced pet care professionals :

Any illness that makes a dog not feel well can decrease thirst. This includes viral or bacterial infection, gastrointestinal diseases, cancer, kidney disease or failure, bladder infection, any situation that causes nausea, oral pain or injury, arthritis, and more. Old Age. Senior pets tend to drink less water.
A slight decrease in water consumption due to reduced activity is no cause for alarm. However, consult a vet if your dog persistently refuses to drink. Dogs should never go more than a day without water.
Lack of water intake can cause dehydration, which can occur if a dog doesn`t have proper access to water or won`t drink enough. Whether you`re at home or you`re gone for part of the day, be sure to leave enough water so your dog will not run out.
The medical reasons that a dog will not drink water but will eat food are limited. The first is pain somewhere. Joint or muscle pain can make those extra trips to the water bowl difficult, so a dog only drinks when he is already at the food bowl to eat.
My dog is not drinking water but is peeing. What could it mean? This may be a sign of health conditions such as urinary tract infections or diabetes. Do consult with your vet to determine what is causing them not to drink water even if they are peeing.
A general rule of thumb for determining the amount of water a dog should drink daily is 1 ounce (1/8 of a cup) of fluids per pound of body weight. For example, a 10-pound dog should drink approximately 10 fluid ounces per day, while a 100-pound dog should drink roughly 100 fluid ounces in a day.
You can recognize advancing dehydration in your dog by checking his or her skin`s elasticity. Gently pinch a small amount of skin on your dog`s back and release it. If your dog`s skin does not snap immediately back in place, your dog may be dehydrated. You can also check for dehydration by examining your dog`s gums.
The short answer is that dogs can survive between 48 and 72 hours without drinking, but that doesn`t really capture the whole picture. Survival is a minimum and a dog allowed to drink only once every 2 days would be the subject of cruel abuse.
The clinical signs of more advanced kidney failure include loss of appetite, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, and very bad breath. Occasionally, ulcers will be found in the mouth.
Your dog will urinate more water than solid waste when it is dehydrated. When your pet dogs don`t drink enough water, they can experience a dry mouth, feel thirsty, have a very slow heart rate, and even get fatigued.
Generally speaking, dogs will take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour to urinate after drinking water. Some may go as quickly as 15 minutes while others may need up to two hours.
Wet dog food can help keep your dog hydrated because it has a higher moisture content than dry food. Increasing your dog`s water intake helps put less strain on major organs, such as the kidneys, as well as on the urinary tract.
In general, dogs should drink approximately 1 ounce of water (1/8 of a cup) per pound of body weight each day.
“Putting ice in your pets water is not known to be harmful,” he said. “In fact, after a dog or cat has an anesthetic procedure, we do not allow them to drink water but indeed do let them lick on some ice.
In general, dogs shouldn`t eat more than one egg per day. Ideally, get your eggs from an organic farmer so they haven`t been chemically treated. You should treat eggs like a treat for your dog. Treating your dog to a cooked egg every so often is perfectly safe and keeps it a special surprise that your dog will enjoy.
Bodyweight – Large-sized and breed dogs require more water than smaller dogs. Water requirements are based on body weight. If you have a 10-pound dog they may only drink ¾ cup of water per day while a 100-pound dog may drink 2 to 4 liters per day which is almost 9 cups to just over 19 cups of water per day.
In the end, it is largely up to you whether or not you give your dog water at night. For adults that are potty-trained, we absolutely recommend giving them water at night. There should be no reason that they can`t hold their bladder overnight.
Textbooks define normal water intake as 1-2ml per kilogram of bodyweight per hour (equivalent to approximately 25-50ml/kg/24hrs).
Some dogs are prone to being anxious and fearful, and this can lead to an unwillingness to drink or to eat. Dogs that have been sacred in some way while drinking might connect the fear with the act of drinking. Issues with fighting between animals in your home over food and water can also cause anxiety in fearful dogs.
Typically, a dog can go 48-72 hours without water but in order to keep your dog healthy they should never go more than 6-10 hours without water. It is important to understand that your dog needs water in order to survive. Water is important for digestion, kidney function, blood flow, and brain function.
The length of time a dog can be left alone depends on the individual dog but we advise that they are left for no longer than four hours so they have opportunities to exercise, go to the toilet, and spend time with people.
Breed: Some dog breeds, including English Cocker spaniels, bull terriers and German shepherds, are more likely to develop particular types of kidney disease. Learn more about a very special German shepherd named Buddy that was diagnosed with kidney failure.
Stage 1 Kidney Disease

In stage one, there is a small amount to no protein in the urine, and the pup typically maintains normal blood pressure. However, diagnostic tests may indicate abnormalities in the urine concentration or irregular kidney palpation. Most dogs do not present with symptoms during this stage.

Typically, green urine indicates late-stage kidney failure, cancer of the kidneys, or extremely severe urinary tract infection. Urine may turn green because bilirubin makes its way into the kidneys, where it is not supposed to be.

Relevant Questions and Answers :

the most relevant questions and answers related to your specific issue

Q. My dog drinks a lot of water, should I worry?
ANSWER : A. Firstly, you should quantify if your dog is actually drinking an excessive amount of water. In a 24 hour period, a dog should drink about 1 fluid ounce (or 30mL) per pound of body weight. Therefore, the recommended amount of water intake (in fluid ounces) equals your dog’s weight (in pounds). For example, if your dog weighs 8 pounds, he/she should drink about a cup of water in a 1 hour period. This will be slightly increased if your dog gets a lot of physical activity or lives outdoors.

You can measure your dog’s water intake the following way: in the morning, measure a specific amount, a little bit more than you think he/she will drink. 24 hours later, measure the remaining amount. If the amount of water your dog drank is significantly greater than it should be, then you should take your dog to a veterinarian.

Causes for mildly increased water consumption include: food changes, increased ambient and body temperature, increased activity, urinary tract infection, and general illness.

Common causes for greatly increased water consumption include: diabetes, urinary tract infection, kidney disease, steroid use, and other systemic diseases. With large increases in water consumption, you will also usually see increased urination. Please take note of urinary patterns to discuss with your vet. Greatly increased drinking and urination is ALWAYS a reason to see a vet.

Q. Whenever I take my dog on walks he always barks at people and others dogs in my neighborhood. What should I do to resolve the problem
ANSWER : A. The very first thing to do is to make sure your dog is getting sufficient physical and mental exercise every day. A tired dog is a good, happy dog and one who is less likely to bark from boredom or frustration. Depending on his breed, age, and health, your dog may require several long walks as well as a good game of chasing the ball and playing with some interactive toys.

Figure out what he gets out of barking and remove it. Don’t give your dog the opportunity to continue the barking behavior.

Ignore your dog’s barking for as long as it takes him to stop. That means don’t give him attention at all while he’s barking. Your attention only rewards him for being noisy. Don’t talk to, don’t touch, or even look at him. When he finally quiets, even to take a breath, reward him with a treat. To be successful with this method, you must wait as long as it takes for him to stop barking. Yelling at him is the equivalent of barking with him.

Get your dog accustomed to whatever causes him to bark. Start with whatever makes him bark at a distance. It must be far enough away that he doesn’t bark when he sees it. Feed him lots of good treats. Move the stimulus a little closer (perhaps as little as a few inches or a few feet to start) and feed treats. If the stimulus moves out of sight, stop giving your dog treats. You want your dog to learn that the appearance of the stimulus leads to good things.

Teach your dog the ‘quiet’ command. Oddly, the first step is to teach your dog to bark on command. Give your dog the command to “speak,” wait for him to bark two or three times, and then stick a tasty treat in front of his nose. When he stops barking to sniff the treat, praise him and give him the treat. Repeat until he starts barking as soon as you say “speak.” Once your dog can reliably bark on command, teach him the “quiet” command. In a calm environment with no distractions, tell him to “speak.” When he starts barking, say “quiet” and stick a treat in front of his nose. Praise him for being quiet and give him the treat.

As in all training, always end training on a good note, even if it is just for obeying something very simple, like the ‘sit’ command. If you dog regresses in training, go back to the last thing he did successfully and reinforce that before moving on again. Keep sessions short, 15-20 minutes max, and do this several times a day.

Q. How do I determine how much my overweight pet should weigh?
ANSWER : A. There are many tools to determine overweight and obesity levels in pets. A new tool, morphometric measurements and body fat index, are available to accurately determine a pet’s ideal weight; this will allow an accurate determination of the amount of food a pet should receive to achieve weight loss. Feeding the correct amount will lead to greater weight loss success.

There are many weight loss food options to help pets reach their ideal weight. Your veterinarian can help make a ideal weight recommendation. Here are some tips to help your dog lose weight in a healthy and safe way:

1. Diet: Providing a healthy and well balanced diet is essential to your pet’s overall health. Finding the right food for your dog can be a challenging process. For those overweight animals many commercial dog companies offer weight loss diets, but it is important to evaluate food labels for adequate nutritional content.

You want to ensure you are not missing other essential vitamin or mineral content. Volume of food is also important and the amount of food that works for one breed of dog may not be the same for another breed of dog. Portion control as opposed to free-choice feeding can help your dog to drop a few unnecessary pounds.

There are also prescription weight loss foods designed by veterinary nutritionists, such as Hill’s r/d (http://bit.ly/1AoENSd). Some pet owners find that home cooking is the best option for helping to provide a well-balanced and realistic diet plan. There are websites such as balanceit.com that offers recipes to fit your dog’s specific needs. Consulting with your veterinarian or a veterinary nutritionist to find the appropriate diet is a great way to help your dog be as healthy as possible.

2. Exercise: Another great tactic for weight loss for your dog is exercise. Whether this is through running, walking or playing with a favorite toy all of these are wonderful types of exercise to help keep your dog at a lean and healthy weight.

For those pet owners with busy schedules utilizing professional dog walking services or playtime through dog daycare services is another option. It has been shown that those pet owners that exercise regularly with their pets generally live a healthier lifestyle.

3. Physical therapy: As animals age pet owners offer encounter their favorite canine having more difficulty walking and have a dwindling desire to play with toys. Physical therapy, specifically hydrotherapy is a wonderful way to help older and arthritic animals gain more mobility and lose weight. Hydrotherapy has been proven to have several therapeutic effects on the body including, muscle strengthening, relief of swelling, decreased joint pain, less stiffness in limbs, improved circulation, weight loss, and increased tissue healing to name a few. For more information on the benefits of hydrotherapy:

4. Veterinary visit and blood work: Weight gain can also be related to underlying health concerns such as hypothyroidism or other endocrine disorders. Scheduling a veterinary evaluation and routine blood work can be another important component in increasing the longevity of your dog’s life. Conditions such as hypothyroidism that predispose dogs to gain weight can be treated with a daily medication to improve hormonal balance. If feel that your dog is unnecessarily overweight there can be an underlying health condition that needs to be addressed.

5. Healthy treats: Pet owners love the chance to reward their favorite canine companion with treats and most dogs jump at the chance to consume these delicious products. The problem is many treats, which can include commercial dog treats or table scrapes can add many unnecessary calories to your dog’s daily intake. Reading labels and making note of the calories in these treats is an important component of understanding your dog’s overall health. Treats should not exceed more than 10 percent of your pet’s daily calories. There are healthier treats that can be offered to your pet to keep calories lower yet provide a fuller sensation. A pet owner can add steamed or pureed vegetables, such as carrots, green beans or sweet potato to add more fiber and thus a fuller feeling for your dog.

Q. My Beagle listens to me, but cries & whines when I’m gone & doesn’t listen to my parents. I adopted him just a couple days ago. Any tips for my folks?
ANSWER : A. I really highly doubt that your Beagle listens to you and has formed a connection with you in just a couple of days. It takes months to build up any kind of serious connection with your dog. You need to work on communication with your dog through training them to understand different cues. For instance the Leave-It cue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1TS5nA7z5Q

You have to work on bonding with your dog through mental stimulation. Training is very important. Luring each new behavior from scratch, and training using treats is how you form a strong bond with your new dog. No scolding is ever necessary… work on being calm, and positive, all the time.

If your dog is crying/whining when you leave, this may be separation anxiety. You’re going to have to separation train this dog from scratch. This dog needs to learn that separation can be a good thing! Tell your “folks” to NOT scold the dog when he is crying/whining after you leave, because that will make your dog MORE anxious when you leave next time. Your dog will be dwelling on the negative if your parents fuel your dogs negative feelings towards you leaving. FUN things should happen when you leave. Your parents should pull out the treats and start doing some basic obedience training with your dog. Your parents should stuff a Kong filled with awesome treats (peanut butter) and give it to him so he feels happy when you leave.

I have some excellent separation anxiety exercises you can work on. If you’d like, you can purchase a consultation with me, and I will go over how to separation train from scratch. It will make your dog comfortable being alone, guaranteed.

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Q. Rescued a dog almost two weeks ago, and now that her kennel cough is gone her personality shines!! No previous training, how should I start?

After your dog is familiar with the behavior you lured from scratch, and taught to your dog, you can start to use the “no-reward marker” I talked about. What you do is ask the dog to perform the behavior, and if the dog does not perform the behavior, you simply say your no-reward marker (choose one: eh-eh, hey, uh-oh, oops) show them the treat, put it behind your back, and BRIEFLY ignore your dog. Just turn your back for a second or two, before turning back to your dog and saying, “let’s try that again.” When you’re ready to start over with your dog, make sure you move around. If you are repeating the same cue while in the same position, while your dog is in the same position, you are likely to receive the same results. The more you move around, and start fresh, the better your chances are of having your dog listen to your cue the second time around. BIG rewards when they dog it successfully! Lots of praise and treats.

My no-reward marker is “hey.” When my dog does something wrong I say, “hey” and she immediately understands that she needs to offer a different behavior. This is clear to her. I don’t have to say it in a mean way, I simply say, “hey” in a normal tone of voice and she understands what the word means.

Once you’ve built up that connection and communication with your new dog, you can work on all kinds of fun behaviors! I personally enjoy the more zen-like behaviors: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruy9UMcuGh8

I like to teach my dog fun tricks that offer her a “job” to do of sorts like object retrieval: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4iertZSva8

(object retrieval training completed; what it looks like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jx0Dml28FGY)

Scent-games are fun too! Very confidence building. Hide a REALLY smelly treat in a box, and place that box in a line of boxes. Let your dog go in the room while saying something like “search!” or “find it!” and watch them hunt for that smelly treat! Lots of rewards when they find it!

Q. Can I give my dog ice water to drink?
ANSWER : A. Yes, of course you can. However, you do not want to give ice water to your dog when he is already overheating. If your dog is panting, shallow breaths, vomiting, displaying gums of a different color, having diarrhea, or lethargic, do not give him ice water. Ice, ice water, and very cold water all shock your dogs system, and constrict the blood vessels, making your dog hotter in-turn. It could turn deadly.

If your dog is acting normal, and in a cool room, feel free to give him some ice water, or ice cubes! There a fun treat, and you have nothing to worry about. It’s truly only when they’re very hot, or overheating.

FYI, if the dogs are vomiting, panting with shallow breaths, having diarrhea, etc.. please see a vet immediately.

Q. Why doesn’t my weenie dog ever drink hardly any water?
ANSWER : A. On average dogs should consume about 70 – 100 milliliters of water per kilogram of body weight per day. Measure your dog’s water consumption over a 24 hour period to see if he’s consuming appropriate amounts. You can add canned food to his diet – it’s high in water content, about 70%. Also adding a very small amount of low sodium chicken broth to his water bowl might encourage him to drink more.

Q. Why does my dog eat grass?
ANSWER : A. As another user mentioned, dogs can eat grass when they want to vomit. Sometimes, when a dog has an upset tummy, they will eat grass. If you notice your dog eating grass frantically, you can assume vomiting will shortly follow. Grass does not digest and pass normally. If your dog eats too much grass, it can cause serious issues with pooping. Your dogs poop can end up all tangled inside of her, and it can need veterinary assistance to remove it. The same goes for celery, so avoid feeding celery to your dog.

The other day my boyfriend accidentally left the laundry room door open where we were keeping the trash that was filled with cooked chicken bones. She ate one of the chicken bones lightning fast. We had to induce vomiting by feeding her some hydrogen peroxide. After we had fed her the peroxide, she immediately began frantically eating grass because her tummy was upset.

If there is something lacking in your dogs diet, it could be that your dog is eating grass to make up for it. I am sure that my dogs diet is extremely well balanced (I do not only feed her an air-dried raw food-type diet (Ziwipeak), but a wide variety of safe, healthy foods), so when she eats grass, I know that it is because she has an upset tummy.

That is why I think it is important making sure your dog has a very well balanced diet. If your dog is on a low quality kibble, your dog may be trying to let you know by eating grass (or eating poop).