n not red.

Experienced and professional animal trainer provide their insights in answering this question :
A. Is very difficult to say without a picture of that skin but if is on middle back and is itching my first thought is flea skin allergy, sometimes they can be reacting without an infestation just with one flea bite. Best to go to yourvets because if starts scratching can infect the skin causing a Dermatitis.

How to Identify Common Pet Problems ?

Our sources include academic articles, blog posts, and personal essays from experienced pet care professionals :

There are many possible reasons that this may be happening, including parasites, allergies, bacterial or fungal infections, or behavioral issues.
There are a number of signs that may indicate your cat has dermatitis. Primary symptoms include inflamed skin and clusters of small bumps around the head, neck, and back areas. If you notice that your cat is itching and scratching unusually often, this can also be a sign of feline dermatitis.
Here are some common reasons for a cat over-grooming or itching itself: Flea infestation. Environmental allergy. Skin and ear mites (parasites of skin and ears)
The specific appearance of miliary dermatitis is a lot of small pink bumps on the skin, called papules, that are typically about one to two millimeters in diameter. If scratched, these papules develop a small crust.
What is Sporotrichosis? Sporotrichosis is a fungal infection that can affect humans, cats, and other mammals. It typically causes skin lesions, but it can also spread into the nasal mucosa and lymph nodes and even cause disseminated infections that involve the bones, lungs, or central nervous system.
Cats suffering from contact dermatitis will most likely be afflicted with rashes and/or bumps where the skin has come into contact with the ground (i.e., the chin, neck, chest, abdomen, groin, anal area, scrotum, tail, and between the toes). These rashes may stop abruptly at the hairline.
Eosinophilic granulomas are raised, circular, yellowish to pink nodules. They may be found anywhere on the body but are most common on the head, face, bridge of the nose, ears, paw pads, lips, chin, mouth, and thighs. Linear lesions are found most often on the thighs but have been seen on other body locations.
Skin mite dermatitis is extremely pruritic to the feline and will cause the cat to scratch the skin vigorously. Depending on the species of mite affecting the feline, skin mite dermatitis might affect the ears, head, neck, abdomen, foot pads or entire body of the cat.
Shampoos that are made especially for cats generally moisturize the skin, which reduces itchiness. Cat shampoos that contain colloidal oatmeal or phytosphingosine are generally the most useful in reducing your cat`s itchiness.
The most common cause of lumpy skin on a cat`s neck is miliary dermatitis. This is a type of dermatitis cat`s get where they get little crusts form on the skin surface. It`s just one of the many ways in which cats are peculiar. Miliary dermatitis will sometimes involve other parts of the body.
Infected cats most often have skin problems (draining skin lesions, lumps under the skin, abscesses), fever, lack of appetite, and weight loss. Less common signs in cats include difficulty breathing, lameness, neurologic signs, and eye abnormalities.
Symptoms of atopy include: Itchy skin. Over-grooming (licking, chewing, biting) Hair loss (alopecia) and hair thinning especially on the head, neck, underbelly and inner thighs.
Alternaria species infection should be considered in any cat presenting with a slowly-progressive cutaneous lesion on a distal extremity that does not respond to routine antibiotic therapy.
The first symptom of cutaneous (skin) sporotrichosis is usually a small, painless bump that can develop any time from 1 to 12 weeks after exposure to the fungus. The bump can be red, pink, or purple, and usually appears on the finger, hand, or arm where the fungus has entered through a break in the skin.
What are Acral Lick Dermatitis? Acral lick dermatitis in cats, also known as neurodermatitis, is a stereotypical, self-manipulating behavior. A feline will continue a pattern of licking behavior with no apparent purpose.
Signs of a Skin Allergy in Cats

Hair loss. Scabs. Ulcers and open sores. Intense itchiness, which will appear as frequent scratching or overgrooming.

For cats that do become sick, the illness usually consists of fever for 2 to 3 days. Symptoms requiring veterinary care include fever lasting more than 3 days, vomiting, lethargy, red eyes, swollen lymph nodes, or decreased appetite. Treating B. henselae with antibiotics can take a long time.
Pemphigus foliaceus (PF) is the most common autoimmune skin disease recognized in cats [1, 2]. It is defined as a pustular erosive and crusting dermatosis commonly involving the face, ears and feet [3].
Feline gastrointestinal eosinophilic sclerosing fibroplasia (FGESF) is an inflammatory condition that most commonly affects the gastrointestinal tract and associated lymph nodes.
Eosinophilic dermatitis is a severe type of skin allergy that causes eosinophils (a type of blood cell) to gather at the surface of the skin and cause problems. It`s a condition that`s usually triggered by a reaction to something encountered in daily life, such as fleas, pollen or certain foods.
Streptococcus equi subsp zooepidemicus is an emerging pathogen in cats. • Infection is highly contagious and often fatal. • In cats, the pathogen mainly affects the respiratory tract, and clinical signs include purulent nasal discharge, coughing, sinusitis, dyspnoea, pneumonia and death.
Papulonodular Dermatoses in Cats

Bumps that are found on the surface of the skin, and which have a solid appearance without liquid or pus within (nonsupperative), are medically termed papulonodular dermatoses. These bumps are classified as either papules or nodules.

Demodex Cati Symptoms

Common skin issues include redness, scaling, crusting, and hair loss. The itching may be mild to severe. In some cats, excessive ear debris and ear irritation/headshaking may be the only symptoms.

The most common reason for your pet to be excessively itching, scratching, and licking themselves is due to an allergy. There are different types of allergies with the top 4 being reactions to fleas, environmental allergens, food, and contact allergies. It can be challenging to diagnose the exact cause of the allergy.

Relevant Questions and Answers :

the most relevant questions and answers related to your specific issue

Q. Why do cats meow?
ANSWER : A. Cat parents often wish they could better understand what their favorite feline friends want or desire. A cat’s meow can be interpreted in many different ways and can indicate an array of feelings and needs. Here are some of the most common reasons for your cat’s vocalizations:

1. Greeting- Many cats will meow as a greeting when you enter your home or walk into a room. Cats will also meow at another cat or animal in the household to extend a hello and acknowledge the other animal’s presence.

2. Attention – An exuberant meow followed by leg rubbing or another attention seeking behavior may indicate your cat is looking for some quality time spent together. Some petting or rubbing behind the ears may be in order.

3. Hunger – A meowing cat is often a hungry cat. This is one of the most common reasons for a cat to vocalize to their owners. A cat will meow to get your attention at feeding times or even when they want extra food.

4. Sickness – A sick or hurt cat may begin to meow excessively, warranting a visit to the veterinarian. There are numerous reasons for a cat in distress to meow—whether it is related to an upset stomach, an injured leg or a urinary blockage. These meows should be carefully investigated.

5. Entering or leaving – Most cats will vocalize when they want to be let in or out of a room. You may notice when you are in the bathroom or behind the closed door of a room that your cat begins to meow, scratches at the door, and often reaches its paw under the door. This is a clear indication that the cat wants to be where you are.

6. Angry – An agitated cat may meow to warn their owner or another household pet that they are upset and would like to be left alone. This angry meow may increase in sound volume as the cat becomes more stressed or agitated. Often a cat will exhibit this type of meow at the veterinary office when they are unhappy with their examination or restraint.

Each feline is different and so are their vocalizations. Learn to understand the variety of meows your cat uses on a daily basis. This will help you develop a better relationship with your cat and help them live a more trusting and happier life.

Q. Older cat for a month==excessive grooming,itching and several small nodules under skin on middle back .was excessive shedding in summer. Skin not red.
ANSWER : A. Is very difficult to say without a picture of that skin but if is on middle back and is itching my first thought is flea skin allergy, sometimes they can be reacting without an infestation just with one flea bite. Best to go to yourvets because if starts scratching can infect the skin causing a Dermatitis.

Q. My cat has a major rash on her back it looks like red bumps an some have even turned into scabs.
ANSWER : A. Skin disorders can be particularly vexing to diagnosis and treat. One of the most common causes of skin rashes in cats is allergic dermititis caused by the bites of fleas. Some cats are very sensitive to the bite(s) of fleas and will react with excessive itching, scratching, and scabby bumps particularly on the lower back and nape of neck. Finding fleas on your cat is a pretty good indicator that fleas are causing the skin irritation. Unfortunately, NOT finding fleas doesn’t rule out an allergy to fleas, as it takes only one bite from a flea to cause a reaction in sensitive cats. Moreover, there are many other possible causes for skin rashes in cats, including thyroid disease, fungal diseases, bacterial or viral infections, and irritation from chemicals in the enviroment (scented litter, fabric sheets, air freshners, floor and carpet cleaners, etc.).
A trip to the veterinarian is your first step in treating skin disorders. Your vet will examine your cat, checking for fleas and other external parasites and also looking at the distribution pattern of the rash which will help your vet to determine what might be causing the rash. If necessary, your vet may take hair or skin samples for analysis. Blood work may also be necessary if your vet suspects thyroid diseases or another metabolic disorder.

Q. My cat continues to scratch on furniture and carpets. He has plenty of scratching posts around the house. Please help!
ANSWER : A. Scratching is a natural behavior in cats that can be frequently frustrating for pet owners who want to keep their furniture from being shredded on a constant basis. The texture of furniture and carpet is very appealing to cats and this why they frequently choose to spend their time on this activity as opposed to playing with their own cat toys. Here are some suggestions to help curb this unwanted behavior:

1. Purchase a cat scratching post or cat tree that is covered in carpeted or textured material. Place it in an appealing spot that your cat would be inclined to spend time (eg. in the sun). You can also place catnip on the scratching post or cat tree to make your cat even more interested in the new object.

2. You can utilize double sided tape on the ends of the furniture because you cat will not like the sticky feeling and will learn to not scratch in that region. Use the tape that has a lighter adhesive in order to prevent any permanent damage. Other materials, such as aluminum foil or bubble wrap can also be placed on the furniture to discourage the scratching.

3. Keep nails trimmed short by either learning to do this on your own at home or using a veterinary technician, or groomer. Nails can usually be trimmed every 6-8 weeks.

4. Redirect the unwanted behavior. If your cat begins scratching, use a favorite or new toy to distract the cat from the scratching. Give your cat positive praise for not scratching.

5. As a last resort you can use a spray bottle full of water to spritz your cat when he or she is scratching inappropriately at your furniture. Generally, cats do not like water and this will discourage them from continuing the behavior.

Have patience with your cat because it can takes time to understand this is an unwanted behavior and that furniture is not another toy for them to use. You can always consult your veterinary or veterinary behaviorist to help with ideas or further solutions to this problem.

Read Full Q/A … : I found Pickle on

Q. How should I interpret my cat’s tail movements?
ANSWER : A. Our feline friends express themselves in many different ways, including through the use of their tails. Most pet owners pay close attention to a happy or excited dog, but they are sometimes less attentive to the posture and movement of their cat. Here are some of the most common cat tail behaviors, and the underlying emotion behind each action:

A flicking tail: Many anxious, nervous or stressed cats will hold their tail in a low position and flick it quickly back and forth. This is often referred to as angry tail, and a pet owner or veterinarian should be on guard for any possible aggressive or defensive activity. If a cat is moving their tail slowly, and not exhibiting the flicking motion, then this cat is at a much calmer state.

Vertical position: Most of the time when a cat is holding their tail in a straight, vertical position this is indicating curiosity and a playful mood. A cat chasing after a laser pointer or playing toys will often have their tails in a vertical position showing their enjoyment. This position also helps with balanced movements. In contrast, if the tail is in the vertical position and the cat’s back is arched with pinned back ears then this could demonstrate a feeling of being threatened and thus result in defensive or aggressive behaviors.

The Tucked Tail: Similar to a dog, a tucked tail often indicates submission or fear. Your cat is conveying upset feelings and should most likely be left alone. This tucked tail appearance can also make a cat look smaller and less threatening to an aggressive cat.

The Tail Twine: Cats will often hook their tail around another cat’s tail, owner’s legs or other objects to show a friendly and affectionate nature. They are also trying to indicate whether they want to receive affection from their owners, be fed or have playtime.

The next time you are home with your feline companion take note on how they express themselves through their tail movements, their ears, body posture and vocalization. You can start to better understand their needs and wants, in addition to what makes them uncomfortable or happy. Cats will surprise you with their array of emotions and varied expressions they can express.

Q. My cat is pooping outside of the litter bix. He is 2 1/2. He did this as a kitten. It stopped then started about 3 months ago. Litterbox is clean.
ANSWER : A. Inappropriate elimination or house soiling can be a frustrating problem but with a bit of detective work on your part, there is hope. First, before deciding that this is a behavioral issue, any medical problems (diarrhea, constipation, fecal incontinence, pain on defecation, etc.) need to be ruled out and/or treated. If your cat receives a clean bill of health from your vet but is still eliminating outside the litterbox, then we need to consider that something about the box itself might be aversive to your cat. Cats can be quite finicky about their litterbox and toileting habits. Below I have listed common recommendations and cat preferences for litterbox use. Review the list and make any changes that could account for your cat’s aversion to defecating in the litterbox:
* Soft, fine-grained clumping litter (vs, coarse-grained, non-clumping litter)
* Unscented
* 1 – 1 1/2 inch depth (especially older cats or cats with hip problems)
* Larger pans (especially for large cats) – want to get whole body inside – poop just outside the box might mean the box is too small
* Open, non-hooded
* At least one shallow side to get in and out easily
* Easy to get to – not hidden away, preferably in areas they spend time in or near – and not near appliances that make scary, unpredictable noises (washers, dryers, refrigerators)
* Scoop minimum 1X/day – preferably 2
* Clean the litterbox with soap and water and put in fresh scoopable litter at least once/month (instead of just continuously adding)
* Some cats prefer to urinate in one box and defecate in a separate box, so you may need 2 boxes even if you just have 1 cat. Multi-cat households should have 1 box/cat plus 1 extra.

Q. Russian blue mix cat – usually velvet soft coat but hair on back hind qtrs. is thinning, remaining hair seems less velvety than normal
ANSWER : A. Changes in coat appearance can be caused by a number of things. In older cats, hair loss or changes in coat and skin confirmation may indicate a metabolic issue such as thyroid problems. Cats can begin to lose hair and may also show other changes such as weight changes or appetite changes. Blood work is usually done to check for this, and most pets do very well with a daily medication treatment.

Hair loss can also be caused by mites on the skin, external parasites or even skin and fungal infections. These may cause red bumps or sores to appear on the skin in addition to the hair loss and coat changes. Your vet can take a skin scraping of the area to check for mites and infections, and a preventive flea treatment can remove any external parasites. If an infection or mites are present, your vet can also prescribe an antibiotic or topical cream to treat.

After any treatment it may take a month or two for completely bald patches to grow back in. This is normal as the skin and follicles need some time to heal prior to beginning the hair growth cycle again.

Q. I have 6 cats, my 2 black, male, cats have small eruptions on the furry bridge area above & to the side of the nose. They dry and form crust scabs.
ANSWER : A. I do agree with the answer below that any time more than one animal in a household is affected with a skin condition we have to rule out contagious disease – even if not every animal in the house in infected. The changes you are describing to your cats’ noses definitely sound compatible with infectious diseases like ringworm and mites (mange). However, if your cats stay indoors and don’t have contact with cats outside of your other cats, and if none of your cats (not just the infected ones) came from a shelter recently it’s probably not something contagious.

I will add that I have seen non-affected cats that carry ringworm and pass it to other animals in the household, so if you have any new cats check for ringworm.

Once infectious causes have been ruled out you can think about strange things, like immune-mediated skin disease (lupus) and solar dermatitis. Diagnosing what exactly is causing the problem and how to treat it may require taking a biopsy from one or preferably both cats.